Monday, April 10, 2006

Guitar Hero!!!!!

Last Friday when I got home there was a delivery note on the ironing board, this normally means that something is too small to fit into our mailbox. Excellent Guitar Hero is here! I tried to control my excitement, after all it would be at least a day till I could pick it up and play it.

So on saturday, after a drunken night at Al and Jayne's, I dragged myself out of bed, for the now weekly trip to Ikea. But before we went to Leeds, we stopped by the post office and I picked up my package. It was indeed Guitar Hero, it must've been, as I hadn't ordered anything else to be delivered to our new address that would be that size! I put it in the back and off we went. An hour or two later and my Dad was loading our new cupboards and bits into his car to take home for is. Unfortunately Ikea had sold out of drawers for our shelves, so we have two huge cupboard 'shells' with only clothes rails across the top, and the rest os them are empty.

We got home, unloaded the car, drilled lots of holes in our walls, mounted a shelf and coat hooks in the hall, and a curtain rail in the living room. I bought doors for our bathroom cabinets, but no handles, so we need to buy some of those. Once everything had been drilled properly, my Dad left and I got to making the bedroom cupboards. Viv was cleaning the kitchen up and hoovering as the Dudes were coming round that night. Once I had finished my jobs I finally got to open Guitar Hero. It was excellent, the mini-gibson guitar even came with little rock stickers to give them that authentic rock guitar look.

Viv had finished up so we put dinner on (Ikea Meatballs!) then she went to put her makeup on. I seized the opportunity and tried out the game. It was amazing! Even though I only tried 'I lvoe rock and roll' on the easiest setting it was still soooo good! I didn't have time to try out anything else so we put it away and had dinner.

Minutes after we'd finished the doorbell rang and our friends were there! Immediately the boys asked about Guitar Hero while the girls got in the kitchen making drinks and baby food. I turned Guitar Hero back on and the night began. The only time the game was off was to try out BUZZ! The Big Quiz, for one round, then it came back out. Everyone wanted to play! There were nearly fights over who was next, even from the girls! It continued till half three, when everyone left, but Viv kept playing till four!

The next day was a mix of Guitar Hero, shelf building, cleaning, Guitar Hero and food.

It is a most excellent game. I've gone on about it before I even had it, but now it's here it's fantastic! I can't wait to get another controller so I can thrash against Viv in a titanic axe battle!

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