Friday, October 28, 2005

Video game players strike back!

Anti-game activist Jack Thompson under investigation

I find this quite interesting. It points out to me just how stupid and selfish some people can be. Jack Thompson seemed to standing up for some people and made a promise which he should have honoured, it's not like it was a bet with anyone in particular, it was for a charity for god's sake. It just shows that some people can't accept 1) When they've lost, 2) When they're wrong.

I'm glad that gamers have taken a stand and decided to take some action against all the evidence free accusations that rain down on the video games industry. Violence may well effect kids, but games have warnings on, they aren't designed for young children, if parents can't keep them away from their kids, it's not the game designers fault.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugly Toy, I've been looking around for ugly related blogs, and I came across this entry (Video game players strike back!) during my search so I thought I'd write a quick note to let you know! I recently started a new blog called Ugly Blog, so 'd be happy to trade links if you're interested. Anyway take care and have a nice day! Eric