Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Six years together

Yesterday was officially mine and Viv's six year anniversary. We had gone out to Old Orleans to celebrate, but our anniversary was fairly uneventful. My present to Viv isnt released till the end of the month and Viv can't afford to buy my present till the end of the month either. But I got a card from Viv, I didn't get her one...

I went to the Drs to have my rash looked at on my back, turns out it's a 'fungal infection'. I have some tablets for it. My health check was OK, I have to give another urine sample as I may have a possible ear infection, you get blood in your urine apparently if you have an ear infection. Go figure...

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, tidied the house a bit, Viv carried on arranging photo albums, I played on my DS as I got Advance Wars: Dual Strike that morning, it's ace! I love the AW games, I played the first one for ages, and this one seems like it's gonna last a looooong time. Hopefully it will anyway, as there still don't seem be that many great DS games around. I am gonna order some more of the Dark Tower books as well, so it's not like I'm gonna have a shortage of things to do on the train.

We also watched Sin City, it's much better on the big screen, but still cool. Not much else happened. Viv watched CSI, I played on my DS. Work tomorrow...

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