Friday, March 24, 2006

Zelda on the DS!

Thanks to Kotadu I have found this amazing video of the only just announced Zelda game for the DS, how sweet does this look? It looks somewhere between a cross of the GameCube Wind Walker and old style SNES Zelda. It looks great though, with the touch screen apparently in use quite a lot of the time.

Check out the video

I seriously think that the DS is the most exciting bit of hardware I've owned for quite sometime. I am genuinely excited about most of the games I hear about, and for once I have such a long list of games I want. Plus I've now clocked over 70 hours on Advance Wars:DS. Games like Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Tetris DS, Nintendogs, Zelda, Viewtiful Joe, Age of Empires, I can't wait to try out! If only I had more money and time :(

I'm sure they could sneak Final Fantasy VII onto the DS, although it took about 3 or 4 PlayStation disks to hold. What I'd really love to see though would be a Monkey Island or StarCraft DS, that would be so cool!

Update: Theres a better quality Zelda video here at


Samantha said...

I was searching for Starcraft DS and found your blog. I love the DS as much as you do. Its the first time I've really been into videogames.

And yes starcraft for the DS would be amazing. With the DS multiplayer ability and its obvious portability I'd be playing all the time.

Samantha said...
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