Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Random Enemy Encounter

For those of you who have ever played a Final Fantasy game, you should know all about random enemy encounters. My first Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy VII, probably the best ever of the series. I got it one christmas when I was younger, along with my brand new PlayStation, it was amazing. I love RPGs anyway and this game had amazing graphics (for it's time) and a huge world spanning story that covered a huge amount of ground and characters. Plus it went all weird and psychological near the end, making it a real trip for a young gamer who had never seen anything like it before.

The whole game took me about 25 hours to complete, and you spend most of your time fighting random enemy encounters. Obviously the guys who have made this video also spent a lot of time playing the game, and put a lot of effort into making it. The video features a real live random encounter, recreated for the camera. Enjoy.

On a side note, Final Fantasy: Advent Children is finally released in the UK on the 24th of April! This totally CGI film is based on the Final Fantasy VII game, taking over where the game ends. It looks amazing! It's a shame I don't have tiome to play the games again to remind myself of the story.

1 comment:

ash said...

Good video! Final Fantasy VII was a great game, though I never got all the way to the end. I'd still probably enjoy playing it again but like you said...who has the time?