Friday, March 24, 2006

Song Title Questions

I saw this on blogography and thought it was quite interesting. You answer the questions using the song titles from a particular band. Now in order to give yourself a chance I'd recommend an older band, with a couple of albums, otherwise it's gonna be well hard.

I chose Green Day, because I really like them and they have quite a few albums to choose from and a wide range of titles. I could also have gone for The Offspring, another favourite band, but I thought of Green Day first. So here goes:

1. Are you male or female?
"No One Knows"

2. Describe yourself:
"Dominated Love Slave"

3. How do some people feel about you:
"Best Thing In Town"

4. How do you feel about yourself:
"Welcome to Paradise"

5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:
"2,000 Light Years Away" or "F.O.D. (Fuck Off and Die)"

6. Describe your current significant other:
"The One That I Want" or "Stuck With Me" or "Extraordinary Girl"

7. Describe where you want to be:
"Having a Blast"

8. Describe how you live:
"Blood, Sex, and Booze"

9. Describe how you love:
"Panic Song" or "All the Time"

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
"Sweet Children" or "King for a Day" or "I Wanna Be On TV" or "Holiday"

11. Share a few words of wisdom:
"Nice Guys Finish Last"
and "Ha Ha You're Dead"

12. Now say goodbye:
"Good Riddance"

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