While the extra time for unpacking will no doubt be appreciated, it's still gonna suck, I lose a days holiday and we have to 'make do' for a week, rather than getting everything at once.
On a slightly lighter note, in preparation for another trip to IKEA, I discovered this IKEA Survival Guide, giving you a complete walkthrough to the IKEA game and exact instrustions on how to successfully complete your trip.
We went to IKEA last Sunday and found a bunch of shelves, cupboards and assorted goodies we'd like, we didn't buy anything, but we know it's there. Luckily we didn't need any kitchen or living room chairs, so I managed to skip those sections, making the trip alot less longer and less traumatic. IKEA on a Sunday with any kind of hangover is pretty much suicide, and several small children, old women and ignorant trolley pushers nearly lost their lives, and if that bedside table leg had been a bit sharper and quicker to come loose they would have.
But I have to admit at the beginning I totally succumbed to the Ikea Nesting Instinct, declaring that my entire house could be coated with IKEA flavoured loveliness, before I got bored and couldn't be bothered to look around anymore. I just wanted a 75p Hotdog.
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