After a brief period of mourning over the senseless murder of our previous car while he was unattended at home, and an even briefer period of having to adopt a substitute car, I don't think he fit in with our family dynamic quite as well, we have purchased a new car. He's an R reg Fiat Punto, I'm trying not to gag. He's not that bad really!
We decided to give the car the name of Ralf, after about 10 minutes of thinking about it, after all, all cars should be named after their number plates and his has the letters RLF, what would you call him? Randal? Randalf? Raphael? Hang on... Raphael... No, he's blue, and Raphael always had a red bandana, it'd just be wrong. So Ralf it is!
By the way, the picture above isn't him, I just 'borrowed' it from ebay, but it's pretty much the same, just picture it badly coloured in with blue crayon and you'll get the idea.
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