...and breathe... For @#%$'s sake, this film is FICTION, based on a book, also FICTION, written by a FICTION author, about stuff he made up or ripped off.
demanding that, at a minimum, the picture contain a disclaimer testifying to the fact that The Da Vinci Code is simply a work of fiction
They shouldn't have to, it's a FICTION film! It has Fic-tion-al Char-ac-ters in it. Say it with me now, Fic-tion-al Char-ac-ters. Do I need to use hand signals or pictures? Should I write it in crayon? Other films have this at the end: "This film is ficticious and any events, characters blah, blah blah". Why is this film so special it needs this at the beginning?
One Roman Catholic activist has gone on what he says is a "hunger strike until death" unless the film is banned.
Please... I hope his family is proud of him when he starves himself to death over a FICTIONAL FILM!
The Catholic Secular Forum has described the film as "offensive" because hits "certain basic foundations of the religion".
It's sad that they find the fact that a 33 year old man 2000 years ago MIGHT have had children offensive. Besides the fact that this is FICTION!!!!!!!
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