A few borrowed CDs, my CD player and car kit, MOT certificate and a few other bits of documentation.
2. Favorite classes in college (or high school):
I didn't like much about school, but Technology was always good, woodwork and stuff.
3. Shampoo brand:
L'Oréal Kids Cherry and Almond favour
4. Favorite piece of furniture you own:
Our Sofa, it came from a friend, it's old and very battered, but very comfortable and long.
5. Idea of a really good first date:
Someone incredibly attractive, great food, great film, and a blowjob.
6. Favorite fruit:
7. Pick a passage from a favorite book:
'Piglet was still a little anxious about Tigger, who was a very Bouncy Animal, with a wasy of saying How-do-you-do, which always left your ears full of sand, even after Kanga had said "Gently, Tigger dear," and had helped you up again.' - A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
8. What would you eat for dinner if it were your last night on earth?
As much as I could, lot's of things I'd never tried, as well as small bits of my favourites.
9. Free Will or Destiny?
We're destined to end up somewhere, put you choose how you get there.
10. What would you sing at karaoke?
I have no idea, something rockier I can shout instead of sing, and hopefully other people will join in.
11. Sweater or Sweatshirt?
There's a difference? Sweatshirt I guess, is that a jumper?
12. Paris, NYC, Tokyo, or Rio de Janeiro?
I wouldn't want to live in any of these cities, I'm not really a city person, people there piss me off. I've been to NYC, but I'd like to visit Tokyo most.
13. What do you wear to bed usually?
14. If you dyed your hair, what colour would you dye it?
Black and red
15. If you went back to school, what would you study?
Film or journalism, or both!
16. Gum or mints?
Mints, gum sticks to stuff.
17. Recurring nightmares?
18. Age & location of first kiss?
I honestly don't remember, it may have been when I was 5 or 6 in Paderborn, Germany, in our cellar with one of my sisters friends
19. Describe your favourite pair of shoes:
My DCs. I absolutely love DC Trainers, I wish I had more money as I can only ever have one pair at a time, they cost about £50 a pop and I only get one pair a year.
20. What movie/tv character do you feel like you relate to most?
Silent Bob, or the guy from Office Space.
21. First CD purchase:
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
22. First concert:
I went to V98 in Leeds with my sister to see Green Day, The Verve were headlining. I think my first none festival concert may have been Korn, my best friend got tickets for his birthday and we went to see them at Wembley Stadium.
23. Do you like camping?
24. If you were doomed to be mauled to death by an animal, what animal would you prefer that to be?
Something that would make it quick, a Tiger or a Bear
25. Do you/would you own a gun?
Hell yeah! I'd love a pump action Shotgun, and Desert Eagle .50
26. What religion would you like to know more about:
Buddhism, it sounds fairly laid back and not too 'religious' for a religion. It seems a lot less rigid than most religions and let's you question things.
27. Favourite food as a kid:
Probably chicken, I would always eat chicken. Or Bangers 'n Mash.
28. How many languages do you speak?
Only English fluently. I got an 'A' in German at GCSE and hardly spoke it since. I'd like to learn Japanese or Spanish.
29. If you were a natural disaster, would you be a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake?
I don't know the difference between a hurricane or a tornado, isn't that just a location thing? I'd be an earthquake though, it's takes a lot to set me off, but it gets messy when it happens.
30. If you could make one state in the US just go away, which state would that be?
California. There's too many weird people there, if LA would just disappear and take everything with it, the world would be a better place.
31. How many prescriptions do you take?
None regularly, only if I've caught something. I don't believe in medicating for psychological problems.
32. Lake or Ocean?
I like lakes, they're generally cleaner and feel fresher when your in them.
33. What is the worst lie you've ever told to get out of work, (and don't say you've never lied to get out of work, because that my friend is a lie and you know it)?
Nothing drastic, I normally just say I'm ill. I've lied about having holiday booked when I've changed jobs to make sure I get it.
34. Do you carry a backpack, a satchel or "man bag", tote bag, brief case, or a backpack on wheels?
I use a 'messenger' style bag across my back. I don't know what most of those bags are. Tote bag? Man Bag?
35. Have you ever been arrested/cited for anything other than traffic violations?
36. Would you ever move for/with a significant other?
Yes, she's done the same for me.
37. What was the weirdest thing you had to dissect for biology?
Cabbage, science was never really that interesting.
38. Would you ever consider spending some time at a nudist colony?
No, I don't see the point, other than looking at breasts, which your not supposed to do, and could lead to embarresment.
39. Best thing you can cook?
I can cook anything if I have the recipe, maybe not very well though. I'd consider Meatballs to be my speciality.
40. If you were going to donate 1000 dollars to a charity, what would that be?
Probably Cancer Research, call it investing in my future.
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