Friday, November 04, 2005

Groups of Girls

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but if there is a group of girls there are certain stereotypes that all of the girls in the group will fit into, this was particularly well illustrated to me at the train station this morning where I saw quite a large group of girls which appeared to exhibit ALL of these stereotypes:

The Gorgeous One - There is always one who is much better looking than any of the others in the group, most of the time this girl is 'The Leader'. And most of the time she's a bitch. The other girls look up to her and want to be her, but hate her. All boys will immediately talk to her, meaning the rest of the group don't like them either.

The Shy One - This girl is always reasonably good looking, but she hides away and doesnt say very much. It's also likely she's the most intelligent one of the group.

The Attached One - There will only be one boy with the group, and he will belong to this girl. She won't be the best looking girl, and he's gutted because he'll come to realise he has no chance with any of her better looking friends. She often gets excluded from group activites because of her boyfriend.

The Tall One - There will be a very tall friend, who, depending on the age of the group will either be very ugly or very good looking, but not better looking than the Gorgeous One, or she'd be expelled from the group.

The Emo/Goth One - Wheter or not they are really Emo/Goth or not doesnt matter, they will dress that way and the other girls will love her as she's so creative and artistic. However she will hate herself and ignore the fact she has friends and be convinced she's ugly, hates her parents and is completely alone.

The Chatty One - The one who talks to everyone and anyone and about everything, never stopping for breath. She is quite well liked amongst the group as she'll keep a conversation moving and always has something to say, she's just very insecure about herself and thinks noone likes her.

The Fat One - There is always, ALWAYS a fat friend. The one the girls keep around as they feel sorry for her, and she makes them feel better. They call her 'pretty' (this is girl-code for Fat, trust me)

There are of course a few others, such as The Chavvy One, or The Fashionable One, but these are fairly explanatory. Most girls can be placed in one of these categories, although it is possible to be a combination of two.

Of course boys have their own groups as well, but I'll save them for another day :)

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