Friday, September 23, 2005

How many's a Brazilian?

Great punchline :P

I haven't done much today, but I think all the eventful stuff will be happening tonight, as is mostly the case on Fridays. I spent a lot of the day trying to configure the email on my phone, annoyingly enough I couldn't figure it out, which means I'll actually have to read the manual, pfft... Unfortunately even if I do get it working I still can't use it to get pictures onto my blog as I'm in the UK and blogger doesnt support O2 texts. I could've put some 'interesting' pictures on. Well maybe I'll have to get me some photos off my home PC so I can make this page a bit brighter.

That reminds me, I should mess around with my site template as well, update my links and stuff...

Maybe tomorrow :D Tonight I'm gonna get me some Weed and Vodka. Hmmmm...

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