Friday, December 09, 2005

What is this Blog?

It's occured to me that the only vaguely interesting thing that I do is on weekends... So most of the other posts I put on here are random interesting/funny stuff I find on the net. As I had started this blog to be a diary of some sorts I'm not really sure what happened.

I normally can't be bothered to update immediately after a weekend anyway, so I normally do it about now, by which time I've already forgotten most of the really interesting things that have happened, and end up writing a generic 'we went to this persons house and did this' kind of post, which is pretty boring to read and write. Especially as its normally Jayne and Al's one night and Sarah and Glen's the next, or vice versa.

I need to sort out some photos, either at home or at work, so then I can at least have some colour and something to write about, especially as Viv takes loads of photos and theres normally at least one thats vaguely amusing. More to follow...

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